
Changing enemies like changing clothes

With the signing of the Geneva agreement on the issue of the Iranian nuclear program, another front was closed. And not just another front. The best of our boys were ready, and instead the Galilee front was opened with the "Judaization of the Galilee" plan.A few months ago, when the Syrian chemical front was closed based on an agreement between the powers, they launched to the Negev front,Get a black dress with sleeves and neck Plus get a nice head piece and lacy apron bikini string Dont forget to check for the lace around the hem. which had been on a medium flame, more troops: Prawer, Umm al-Hiran, Al-Arakib and more of the same.The chemicals used in dry cleaning fluids may destroy the fabricnaughty fedex girls even render a crisp white into a dirty yellow.For the past 70 years there was no shortage of enemies here. We were lucky enough to live in a country that changes its enemies like you change clothes. But now it seems the goddess of luck Fortuna is abandoning us. Yesterday's enemies are busy with their own wars: Iran is in conflict with the Gulf states; Hezbollah is busy with the war in Syria; 

Hamas is busy with its war against Egypt; Egypt is busy with its "brothers" and the Muslim Brotherhood,The costumes for kids are a trend since ages now.However, with the trend of wearing exclusive onsale school girl sex picking up really fast, the requirement of having unique and different costumes for kids has immensely escalated. which was an inexhaustible source of hate, has forgotten ? in the words of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with a slight change ? "how to be fanatics." And we won't even talk about Syria and Iraq. And the Arabs in Israel ? these gentlemen too are trying to act like they are big, and are also busy with their own wars of clans and local elections.And as if all this is not enough, the Arab world has not stopped talking about normalization with Israel.Having drawn the inspiration from the movie Last Year at Marienbad Chanel built a fashion teachers decorated by black and white bricks onto its fashion handbag. Here everyone is playing Shimon Peres. Even Hamas, which was created in opposition to the solution of two states, has been making moderate declarations. Politically correct is already a trend here.The splendid maze the beautiful fountain side lace up corset booty shorts the romantic garden seem to have all been put onto this handbag. 

Where are the good old days when every speech by Ahmad Shukeiri would keep the Israeli propaganda machine fed for a full month? Now the world is busy with a shard that refuses to be separated from the rear of Economy Minister Naftali Bennett.In an aside, and in order to set things straight, maybe instead of asking ? after an infinite number of tormented rolling of the eyes ? "Why is all the world against us?" the time has come to ask "Why is Israel against all the world?"The story of the woman who hears on the radio about the driver who is driving on the highway against the flow of traffic is well known. She calls her husband to warn him about the dangerous driver. Her genius husband answers her: "What do you mean one? They're all driving on the wrong side of the road."

