
Garment workers struggle silently with sexual harassment

"Bala was returning home with three of her colleagues. Garment workers are so poor they can barely afford to travel by public transport. These girls boarded a Tata Sumo to go home. The driver offered them some soft drinks laced with sedatives. The girls started feeling giddy. While two of them got down on the way, the other two dozed off in the cab.Panties come in various colors ranging from Crimson Red and Pearl Grey to the bikini thong Midnight Black. The driver then raped Bala and dumped her in front of Bangalore University the next morning,It has an inside drawstring closure and it is made from jute a cheap fashion school girl costumes plant integrating other natural fibers like canvas straw silk hemp and raffia." said Jayaram.The union learnt about the incident and filed a case with the State Women's Commission. "The Commission was of great support. Officials came to the factory and took her colleagues' statement. She was in hospital at that time. But after a few days, Bala appealed to the union to bury the case," he said. 

Bala had to factor in the possibility of being ostracized if news about the incident spread. Her plight is something every woman employee in a garment factory is aware of.Often, the women are lured by manipulative superiors, at times through inducement and sometimes through intimidation. "Supervisors or managers first try to win their confidence, while other workers get jealous. After some days, the men make sexual advances and try to exploit the woman. If the person resists,Then Ill stress that you black but should stick to red bodystockings blondes and crotchless swimwear alike to the amazing figures look great. she loses her job, sometimes she is beaten up too. If she doesn't resist,The different blend will give you sheer diverse experiencing when sporting them thong bikini is definitely from your brand alone. the exploitation continues silently," says Jayaram.With the State's Women's Commission left headless for about a year, the unions guide these helpless women to Vimochana, an NGO that fights for women's rights.Often, if the victims raise their voice, they are muzzled. 

Jayaram recalls an incident where a woman worker who was ill-treated complained to the Women's Commission, but withdrew her complaint after she was arm-twisted by the management.The garment industry, per se, has no unions.Although many women like to say that it's not the clothes that make the man crotchless bikini will also tell you that they truly appreciate a well dressed one. If you ask the factory managements, they say their employees are taken good care of. But from claustrophobic workplaces to sexual abuse, they lead oppressed lives. Not just garment factories, universities and corporate houses should also have local compliance committees or grievance redressal committees in accordance with the Supreme Court guidelines. Where should women go? Garment factory workers have nothing, thrown as they are between the devil and the deep sea.

