
What kind of a tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he's mad at?

He considers it truth serum to deliver a little pain with his politics: "When did we get it in our heads that we have the right to never hear anything we don't like?" he wrote in 2012 in an op-ed for The New York Times.But Maher's tolerance for intellectual openness has its limits, too. On the subject of religion, he is notoriously ungenerous. During the March 14 taping of "Real Time," he used the occasion of the release of Paramount Pictures' "Noah" to malign the biblical tale."No one can blame me when I say this is a stupid country, when 60 percent of adults in it think that the Noah's Ark story is literally true," he snarked.He also had great fun that night ridiculing the biblical account of Noah's age he lived to 900, sired three sons at 500 and was 600 when he built the apocalypse-resistant ark, and also mocking the apparent biodiversity of natural life that appears to be "indigenous to within five miles of the boat." But Maher saved most of his scorn for the "psychotic mass murderer" he referred to as God, who was "so angry with himself for screwing up when he made mankind so flawed grrrrrrrr that he sent a flood to kill everyone … men, women, children, babies. 

"What kind of a tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he's mad at?" Maher asked.Then came the punch line: "I mean, besides Chris Christie."When it es to biblical literalism, Maher is a formidable foil. He is clever at using logic and edy to impugn the Bible's superannuated and even grotesque elements. But, much like the Bible fundamentalists he loves to assail, Maher has almost no tolerance for any viewpoint outside his own."If you look at the Ten Commandments, the big important list, the top 10 things we absolutely shouldn't do," he said to me during our interview, "well, most of it's bulls.A former child actress on Broadway, Zadora has been most-often honored by the Razzies, an handbags and purses spoof that hands out prizes for Hollywood's lousiest movies on the eve of the Oscars. The top four are just about God's ego. There's some nonsense about 'don't swear.' I mean, if you were actually going to write a list of the 10 things that are most important not to do, wouldn't you put on that list incest? 'No pedophilia'? 'No rape'? Wouldn't that go ahead of swearing and building statues to other gods?""Well?" he prodded.She won "worst new star of the decade" in 1990.Her most memorable moment was electric cigarette likely her star turn in a 1982 Golden Globe pay-to-play scandal.CBS dropped the awards show soon after.The Able Thrift Center embodies community development projects,e liquid uk Wax said. "Come on! I can't believe you would even hesitate at that answer. Really? Rape is not more important than swearing?"Maher shows no interest in symbolic, interpretive or historical readings.

