
With everything ing to Corpus Christi to the coastal bend from Italy

But for Hunter, turning sea water, or even brackish groundwater."Any option is a must," Hunter, R-Corpus Christi,Untold hours of video holding untold amounts of information,ecig all amounting to little more than a gigantic box full of VHS home movies gathering dust in your parents' attic. said.A Texas Water Development Board study says there are 44 desalinating plants in Texas.Most of them turn salty groundwater into fresh water for municipal supplies.But desalinating actual seawater is a new frontier. It's expensive.CBS dropped the awards show soon after.The Able Thrift Center embodies community development projects,e liquid uk Wax said. It's tough to get permitted to do. There are a lot of environmental concerns.But, Italian plastics-maker M&G is pushing to use Nueces Bay water to cool its resin-making plant instead of buying raw water from the city.And with the city courting more industry to plant roots in the Coastal Bend, Hunter said there'd better be plenty of water to help it grow. 

"With everything ing to Corpus Christi to the coastal bend from Italy, China, Austria ... we've got Schlitterbahn ing ... we've got a huge demand exposure," he told KRIS-6 on Monday "So water desalination for me, is a must for future planning." 
Every bit is needed. Corpus Christi's water department planners say we'll be about 2,000 acre-feet short by 2050.And that's using a model that flatlines both the industrial demand and annual rainfall curves.Penrose Brewing of Geneva,A former child actress on Broadway, Zadora has been most-often honored by the Razzies, an handbags and purses spoof that hands out prizes for Hollywood's lousiest movies on the eve of the Oscars. Illinois, threw a Chicago launch party last Monday at a lovely Humboldt Park studio space shared by Michael Kiser of Good Beer Hunting. Because that was a week ago, Karl Klockars at Time Out and Chuck Sudo at Chicagoist have beaten me to the punch, and their posts both include a fair amount of the brewery's backstory. So I can skip that stuff, can't I? 

Well, I'm not gonna. Maybe y'all just e here to watch me make with the crazy adjectives, but you're gonna get some "journalism" too. Penrose's opening is among the year's most anticipated developments in the local craft-beer munity. Even before its founders went public with their plans last March on an episode of Hop Cast, rumors had been kicking around probably because the two of them started planning in December 2010.At that point both Penrose principals, Eric Hobbs and Tom Korder, were still at Goose Island. Hobbs, who'd grown up in Geneva, worked in sales, and Korder was an innovation manager at the brewery alongside John Laffler, who's now with Off Color.

